Wildlife / La Faune

Pictures from Game drives with Sky of Serengeti Safari.

Photos prisent en "Game Drive" avec "Sky of Serengeti Safari".

Gallery / Galerie

Cape eland - Elan du Cap Cheetah - Guépard Cheetah - Guépard Cheetah - Guépard LionFemale - Lionne Red and yellow barbet -  Secretary bird - Serpentaire Spur winged goose - Oie Superb starling - Etourneau Superb starling - Etourneau Vervet - Grivet Cheetah family - Famille guépard Cheetah family - Famille guépard Mongoose - Mangouste DikDik - DikDik Double banded courser - Dove - Tourterelle Elephants - Elephants Giraffe - Girafe GreaterFlamingo - Flamant rose Grey headed silver bill - Grey heron - Héron Ground hornbill - Hartebeest - Hildebrandt starling - Korhaan bustard - Kori bustard -  Leopard - Léopard Leopard - Léopard Leopard tortoise - Tortue léopard Lilac breasted roller - Lilac breasted roller - Lion - Lion Lion female - Lionne Little bee eater - Little bee eater - Lovebird - Lovebird - MagpieShrike - Warthog - Phacochère Waxbill- Weaver - White bellied bustard - White bellied go away bird - WhiteBrowedCoucal - White crowned shrike - Yellow billed stork - Young Lion - Lionceau Burchell Zebra - Zèbre de Burchell Puff adder - Vipère hurtante elephant, Ndutu lions family, Ndutu elephant lion mangoose mokey ostrich elephant eagle zebras chita / guepard lilac girafe mangouse love bird lion on the back chita / guepard wildebeest / gnou warthog / phacochere male ostrich / autruche male lions